Saturday, March 20, 2010

Google do it, so should I

While reading Lifehacker (on of my favourite tips sites!) I came across a very interesting article. Google allow employees to spend 20% of their time on a pet project that is nothing to do with google.

A waste of time? Maybe not. Google have found that 50% of new products have been developed in this 20% time!

So how could this apply to education? What would happen if 50% of learning took place in 20% of the time? I aim to find out...

My lessons last 50 mins. I will try to go for 10% (small step) of each lesson on students working on something they choose that is linked to what we are learning. This will mean more planning for me - I’m not always in a computer room, so I will need old fashioned books and magazines.

I will try this out for the next week and a bit and report back.

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