Sunday, October 12, 2008

Assessment Time

Half term is drawing nearer, so it is time to assess. Not the kids though - me!

I'm trying to find a method of instant feedback for my lessons. I've looked at using the blog, but mysteriously teachers are outnumbering students at the moment. A questionnaire? Too long winded.

Then it hit me - stickers, lovely little round colourful stickers. Each student will get 1 (prevents random stickering of other students) and votes on a double scale on the way out. The scale? Hmm that is harder...

I was thinking bottom one being: not a clue to got it. The vertical one is proving problematic. Should I measure the fun-ness of a lesson?

Once a week with each class should prove nothing if not interesting... I'll se how it goes.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yaaaarrrrr Pirates

I loved it. Kids loved it. Staff loved it. Look at the Pirates SOW and marvel at what Gemma did. It even fits on with English and the Pirate King Speech!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random Rant

The past week was odd. Very odd.

Various issues to do with accountability and students - par for the course with a new role. Raging evil cold. Ubuntu breaking and losing files (my fault for not backing up). Odd progress in students. Very odd training day. Mysterious unbooked courses.

I think I have entered the twilight zone.