Saturday, June 28, 2008

Moodle for Year 7 French

VLE talk... Please stay awake!

MFL have decided on generic courses that can be copied to teachers for "embellishment". Sees most practical to me... any MFL specialists care to comment on year 7 plan?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Reasons to be cheerful...

I've just had a brilliant day with the MFL department planning for the new KS3 Curriculum. It was a perfect example of trust, collaboration and fantastic ideas!

Sad news is my course on 2nd July is cancelled, I may never discover how to teach KS3 Maths! The Maths faculty now have access to my delicious bookmarks and enjoyed a whistle stop 10 in tour of the web.

Kids back in tomorrow, and quite looking forward to it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

4.5 weeks to go...

Today it hit me. The wall grew large, the enthusiasm went. It's summer term with colleagues on stand-down, and me just a poor KS3 teacher with a full load. It might be the 4 (well 3 as I bailed on one) meetings this week due to rescheduling, or the 120 full reports and 50 snapshot reports I have to do this week.

But I must cling to the positives:

The year 8 integrated curriculum plan is coming along well - or in the words of one of my year 9's "that looks well sick innit".

My post GCSE year 9 French are loving Spanish after they read a complex passage of Spanish with perfect pronunciation despite not understanding much!

My year 8 Maths seem to love BO(I)DMAS and can do level 5 with ease.

I am using loads of video at the moment to try and wake up both the very tired kids and me. I am hoping to be re-invigorated after a teacher training day on Monday followed by a reward trip to Drayton Manor (Park and Zoo) on Friday.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Competition Maths

I found through Ewan McIntosh. I thought I'd give it a try, see how it went. I launched it Friday, and out of 40 students I already have 13 signed up and playing! I look forward to my students having better maths recall and may even set a test to see the effect!

Now to find who greyturtle23 is....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Foxford Meteo

I think I am on to a winner with Foxford Meteo.

Not only have I been included on a blog, but i get twitter updates from other teachers! My advice is set up another twitter ID to protect privacy, message me (jjpadvis) then add foxford_meteo.

The kids are loving it and replies would be great. Look at the updates and you'll see they are trying to out-do each other in terms of complexity. My bet is on next week someone will add an opinion and an activity (Il fait beau - j'adore jouer au foot etc). Any replies will go down a storm!