Friday, August 6, 2010

James Padvis invited you to Dropbox

James Padvis uses Dropbox to sync and share files online and across computers, and thought you might want it too.

Get started here.

- The Dropbox Team

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Non-Electric Dreams

The twitterati of teachers often go on about how wonderful ICT is. Indeed it is. But every teacher has more traditional tools in their box.

After a quick shop replenishing supplies today it struck me how much we take these things for granted. I mean, a pen is a pen, a pad is a pad. Some of us, however, are almost office supplies zealots and have an established routine. Well at least I hope it is not just me!

The Pencil Case:

Currently using a Really useful Company 0.55 ltr pencil box. It’s see through. It holds stuff.


For general use - UniBall Gel Impact 1.0mm black. Flows well, nice in the hand, colours in well when doodling in meetings.

For marking - Staedtler triplus fineliner selection 0.3mm. I often ask students what colour they want me to use, and they check up on me! Yellow one is useless though...

Pencil - recently changes from whatever I can find to rotring tikky 0.5mm. I’ll let you know how I get on.


Various pads from paperchase - always unlined. Currently using a freebie from a meeting!

Thank you for listening. Send me your office supply fetishes!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mister P gets a new laptop

I finally took the plunge and got myself a new laptop. It’s a beautiful (no really, it is) Macbook Pro 13” refurb.

I’ve had it a few days now, and I must admit it was so easy to move everything over from my trusty old hackintosh I’d been using since my iMac G5 decided to kick the bucket 6 months ago. Apple maybe annoyingly superior in attitude but they really do know how to make something that just works.

The hardware has coped with everything I’ve thrown at it so far - all my applications, Skype call the in-laws in Greece, playing around with Garage Band, even a quick test on Boinx TV (allows you to do live newsroom style videos!). I’ve yet to find the need to plug anything into it other than an external hard-drive to get a few files off thanks to everything being built in. It even allows me to use my iPhone handsfree...

Yes it cost more than a normal laptop. But no need to buy any extras for it. Yes it cost more than a normal laptop. But I can use it for 7 hours without plugging in. I could go on extolling virtues... just one more, it runs windows like a dream!

So yes, Mr P is in love, but I’m sure this love will only intensify after going back to the serviceable but locked down Dell Laptop at work...

Still, I can still get my Apple fix every evening.

Monday, March 29, 2010

VLE - good or bad...

Since I Moved to a VLE my poor blog stands dusty and neglected. All my efforts are aimed at making the learning experience of our students fantastic within the walled garden of our moodle.

Sad fact: VLE stuff isn’t viewable to outsiders without a 2 page disclaimer in print...

Why are we keeping kids work away from people? Is it we can’t be trusted?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Google do it, so should I

While reading Lifehacker (on of my favourite tips sites!) I came across a very interesting article. Google allow employees to spend 20% of their time on a pet project that is nothing to do with google.

A waste of time? Maybe not. Google have found that 50% of new products have been developed in this 20% time!

So how could this apply to education? What would happen if 50% of learning took place in 20% of the time? I aim to find out...

My lessons last 50 mins. I will try to go for 10% (small step) of each lesson on students working on something they choose that is linked to what we are learning. This will mean more planning for me - I’m not always in a computer room, so I will need old fashioned books and magazines.

I will try this out for the next week and a bit and report back.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Leicester PGCE

Honest, I’m not nervous or anything...

PLTs on your iphone.

Loving this app at the moment... might use it to do question of the day in the staffroom!

Skills Mixer by Shiny Development

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Complexity of Managing my Online Stuff

I have stuff everywhere... my attempts at organising myself result in chaos.

With this in mind I’ve set up a central place for all my stuff:

Hopefully this means everything will finally be available in one place!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Long time no blog...

Some people might be surprised to see an entry. I mean, 2 years is a long time. Even my class blog has become an abandoned space!

Twitter took my attention, so entries here became rather sparse... well non existent really. The class blog dried up around the time we introduced moodle.

But now I have some lovely new software to help me out (MacJournal), and following on from my inclusion in a Times School Gate entry I thought things better start up again.

So I promise to make some new entries, perhaps even show off some resources and reflect on what I am doing.

Hope to see you soon.


PS No I promise, really I do!


OK, time to get writing...