Monday, August 25, 2008

Terribly Delicious

I am an avid delicious user. I stalk people online, steal their best stuff and then forget it.

Hence my title. I am a terrible delicious user. I am close to 400 beautifully tagged bookmarks. Great, but I wouldn't have a clue what each one was unless I actually saw the page.

The big thing is the notes field. It would let me know exactly what I was looking at before I clicked - that great French listening about weather, the amazing presentation about right angles. The problem is it is a free text field, and I tend to wibble...

I really don't want to add yet more tags (they seem to grow 2-3 a week) so I need to think about how to fill in the notes field. Any ideas? Perhaps Year, Term, Topic? Input appreciated.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Construction Time Again

One week to go until the joys of a new school year. The holidays have been very kind to me, allowing me to relax and get things done in equal amounts.

Amazingly I have done lots of jobs normally reserved for the first week back! I have my class lists, timetable, calendar; I have moved stationary and resources with the help of my co-chief. The only job I have put off is the copying of some placement tests - I know I shouldn't do copying, but it will take me longer to explain what I want to someone else!

I have been thwarted in my plans for world domination by delicious being blocked at school. As a quick fix I'll have to export all my bookmarks out (luckily I can get them on my iphone as well).

Next week brings the joy of furniture arrangement and locating a room for one class (23 does not fit into a room designed for 12, although I did consider stacking!), photocopying, and making sure the glorious soldiers of the People's Republic of CORE (Olympic medals 0) have everything they need for the first couple of weeks back.

I have even started the paperwork for a trip in Week 3. Such efficiency can only mean one thing - it's the end of the holidays and I'm bored.

P.S. Congratulations to anyone spotting the early 80's cultural reference in the title.