Friday, April 9, 2010

Mister P gets a new laptop

I finally took the plunge and got myself a new laptop. It’s a beautiful (no really, it is) Macbook Pro 13” refurb.

I’ve had it a few days now, and I must admit it was so easy to move everything over from my trusty old hackintosh I’d been using since my iMac G5 decided to kick the bucket 6 months ago. Apple maybe annoyingly superior in attitude but they really do know how to make something that just works.

The hardware has coped with everything I’ve thrown at it so far - all my applications, Skype call the in-laws in Greece, playing around with Garage Band, even a quick test on Boinx TV (allows you to do live newsroom style videos!). I’ve yet to find the need to plug anything into it other than an external hard-drive to get a few files off thanks to everything being built in. It even allows me to use my iPhone handsfree...

Yes it cost more than a normal laptop. But no need to buy any extras for it. Yes it cost more than a normal laptop. But I can use it for 7 hours without plugging in. I could go on extolling virtues... just one more, it runs windows like a dream!

So yes, Mr P is in love, but I’m sure this love will only intensify after going back to the serviceable but locked down Dell Laptop at work...

Still, I can still get my Apple fix every evening.